Events Calendar


Hymn & Beer Night

Join us for a night of fellowship at The Broad Street Grind. This event is B.Y.O.B and there will be a select menu for food items to purchase. We will be singing hymns and enjoying a night with other believers. There is no sign up necessary.

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Tenebrae Service

Tenebrae Service

Tenebrae, is a meditative service to prepare one’s heart and mind for the coming 3 Holy Days marking the suffering and death of Christ. It is marked by a gradual extinguishing of candles, and by a "strepitus" taking place in total darkness near the end of the service.

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Holy Week
to Apr 9

Holy Week

Join us for the various services throughout Holy Week.

April 2 at 9:30 AM | Palm Sunday – Holy Communion

The Rev. David Ubbens, Preacher & Celebrant

April 5 at 7 PM | Tenebrae - Service Of Darkness

The Rev. Phil Shade, Preacher

April 6 at 7 PM | Holy Thursday - Foot Washing

Bishop William Love, Preacher

April 7 at 7 PM | Good Friday – Good Friday Liturgy

Bishop William Love, Preacher

April 9 at 9:30 AM | Easter Sunday – Holy Communion

Bishop William Love, Preacher & Celebrant

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